I have to tell you, I thought to myself, this is probably some tacky old icky bookstore, but what the heck ill check it out!@!!!! sooooooo glad I did. when I first walked in I thought hmm I may have been right, but as I started looking around I was AMAZED DID I SAY AMAZED... it was like I was in the amazon warehouse.. tons and tons of books, some old, some brand new, some slightly used.. whatever.. all in catagories!!! and I though wow how great THEN I looked around the corner and it continued, and continued and continued.. any book I want can be found there for sure... I was looking for a new Jodi Picoult on amazon, and a used one coast over 10.00 plus shipping well I found the Jodi picoult section and there was the book I was looking at on amazon sing you home, like new for 4.00 and a few other jodis most I have already read, but found another one plain truth. anita shreve another one of my faves, john Sanford ann hood..
here they are... six fabulous books for 25.00 JACKPOT!!!!!!!!! I went right back to my motel room and read the Ann Hood book COMFORT... wowowowowowow she wrote the book on her grief over loosing her five year old daughter Grace.. I read it straight through and cried and cried and cried.. what a beautiful book.. how we get through grief continues to be fascinating to me.. if anyone is interested in reading the fabulous book I would be glad to send it along to you.. just let me know and I will mail it right out to you, its a must read... so step aside amazon book department I have found volumes... I have already wrned the bookseller I will be a regular! currently reading a book I had bought at a thrift shop John Sanford BAD BLOOD.....